What We Do:
Impact Through Youths

Parlimen Digital
First ever Youth Parliamentary Simulation in Malaysia by the youth for the youth.

Undi Ketiga
Restoring the third vote through Malaysia’s first ever digital simulation of a Local Council Election.

Seeds For Democracy
Education program to develop competences of Malaysian youths on active citizenship.

Sweet Spot Malaysia
A Digital Youth Hackathon to tackle Malaysia’s silent epidemic, diabetes.

Dewan Muda Malaysia
Parliamentary simulation and youth political education programme supported by UNICEF Malaysia.

Demokrasi Lab
Our civic tech challenge focusing on empowering democracy among Malaysian youth via innovative technology solutions.

Postal voting and youth advocacy campaign during the 2022 Johor State Elections.

MyHutan Academy
Environmental advocacy campaign to bring the environment closer to young, passionate Malaysians.

Voter education and advocacy programme aiming to achieve 100% voter turnout in GE15.

A postal voting initiative to bring back 50,000 overseas ballots home to Malaysia in time for the 15th General Election.